Bosch All About DIY

How can a traditional company with a well-thought-out informational SEO content strategy improve its organic Google ranking? By answering the questions of its users.
Robert Bosch GmbH is a traditional German company that serves various sectors in the fields of technology and services. Bosch is particularly well known as a manufacturer of household appliances, but also of power tools – there is a blue line for professional craftsmen and a green line for do-it-yourselfers.
The online product store of the green line is supported by the online advice magazine AADIY (All About DIY) – with numerous articles on DIY topics such as building instructions for furniture, guides for garden projects, DIY knowledge and leisure topics. Bosch’s challenge to Claneo was to generate more organic traffic for AADIY.
Robert Bosch GmbH
Technology & service
Content strategy consulting
Content creation for german-speaking countries

The challenge
Previous AADIY articles largely consisted of pure building instructions – well illustrated and described, but something was still missing: the focus on added value for the user and on search engine visibility – the two go hand in hand. Content is known to be king, and those who answer questions in a targeted manner also get the desired traffic. So the client needed new, SEO-optimized articles for the advice magazine.
The challenge
Previous AADIY articles largely consisted of pure building instructions – well illustrated and described, but something was still missing: the focus on added value for the user and on search engine visibility – the two go hand in hand. Content is known to be king, and those who answer questions in a targeted manner also get the desired traffic. So the client needed new, SEO-optimized articles for the advice magazine.

The solution
Development of 200 topics and dedicated briefings
Implementation of the strategy through the creation of 200 comprehensive texts
Strategic expansion of the existing content hub to include new articles

The implementation
Based on the content strategy developed together with the customer, detailed briefings for 200 new articles were created, including some for the optimization of existing articles. The research focused on topics for which users frequently search for information, such as “Building a loft bed yourself,” “Building a house on stilts yourself,” “Sanding down floorboards,” “Removing tile adhesive,” or “Cutting down a tree,” to name just a few.
In addition to instructions for the respective project, the articles should also answer many of the important W-questions that users enter into the search engine in this or similar ways – because the right answers provide the all-important added value. So not only, “how do I build a loft bed?”, but also amongst others:
- What does it cost to build a loft bed yourself?
- What role does the room height play in the planning?
- What bed width is suitable so as not to severely constrict the feeling of space?
- What do I have to consider in terms of statics?
- What has to be considered with sloping roofs?
Each project had its own unique requirements. The more varied the questions that came to light during the research, the more multifaceted the individual briefings became. Claneo began the process of writing 200 texts – each ranging from 1,500 to 3,500 words – in June 2021 and also took on the production of graphic illustrations for the construction manuals.
In October 2021, the client’s CMS team was able to upload the first articles to the AADIY website and gradually add more as time went on. Very positive figures began to emerge shortly thereafter.

The results

+250 %
+500 %
+327 %
> 250.000 €
Find here the results in more detail.

Increase of clicks by 250 %
Texts have been uploaded since October 2021. An analysis of the data from Google Search Console for the period September 2021 to September 2022 shows a very positive development of the AADIY website in terms of clicks and impressions.

Six-fold increase in visibility
Likewise, visibility (source Sistrix) has continuously increased since the first articles went live. At the beginning of the cooperation, the online advice magazine AADIY was only responsible for about 9% of the visibility of the domain In the meantime, however, it has since generated one third of the complete domain visibility. The total visibility of the online advice magazine has increased sixfold over the last 18 months and continues to rise as a result of the live articles.

Visibility development of single URLs
This increase in visibility is based on new and improved rankings. New content enabled Bosch to gain rankings for search terms for which they were not previously found. Existing rankings were improved through better and more user-focused advice content. The majority of the new articles already rank within the top 10 positions on the first search results page (SERP) of
On a URL basis, individual URLs already achieve 90% of the possible visibility for the keyword set defined for these URLs.

Ranking development of the defined keyword set
Since the start of the collaboration, the online advice magazine AADIY has continued to gain relevance and has been continuously listed on Google for more terms:

Traffic generation worth over €250,000
If you look at the traffic value of the additional traffic that you would otherwise have to buy via Google Ads, it already exceeds the €250,000 mark – and the trend is rising.

This is what Bosch says about working with Claneo

Nicolas Huber
“Working with Claneo has been worthwhile, as you can see from the results. If I had to reduce them to two keywords, they would be quality and professionalism. One big one has already resulted in many other projects – also in other business sectors – and we are very happy to continue having Claneo on our side!”
About Bosch
Robert Bosch GmbH, founded in 1886, today comprises numerous companies and is divided into the business sectors Automotive Technology, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. The Consumer Goods sector includes Robert Bosch Power Tools, a leading global supplier of power tools, tool accessories, gardening equipment, and measuring technology.
In this segment, the Bosch name stands for “technology for life”: the products inspire people, improve their quality of life, and help conserve natural resources. The company’s own products – green for do-it-yourselfers and blue for professionals – are complemented in the portfolio by other brands, including Dremel, Aresi, Freud, Hawera, Standall and Sia Abrasives.
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